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Un apasionante thriller psicológico y de acción. Una trama asfixiante, abrumadora por la sucesión de hechos extraños y por los desafíos tanto físicos como mentales a los que los jóvenes héroes se ven enfrentados.
Este e-book reúne los cuatro títulos de la saga.
Primera parte: CORRER O MORIR:
Al despertar dentro de un oscuro elevador en movimiento, lo único que Thomas logra recordar es su nombre. No sabe quién es. Tampoco hacia
...11) Código C.R.U.E.L
16) The fever code
The story that fans all over the world have been waiting for — the story of how Thomas and WICKED built the Maze — is finally here. You do not want to miss it.
17) Crank Palace
Newt has been to hell and back with his friends.
The Glade. The Maze. The Scorch. The inner halls of WICKED. But now he has a burden that can't be shared with Thomas and the others—the Flare. And Newt can't bear the thought of his friends watching him descend into madness as he succumbs to the virus.
Leaving only a note, Newt departs the Berg before the Gladers return from their mission into Denver, Colorado. From there, he experiences
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