Catalog Search Results
2) The dot
7) My bindi
There in the mirror, I see a shining star.
My mother's joy, my father's pride.
And then I see something else:
I see me.
Divya is scared to put on the bindi for the first time.
...I am
a nonstop ball of energy.
Powerful and full of light.
I am a go-getter. A difference maker. A leader.
The confident Black narrator of this book is proud of everything that makes him who he is. He's got big plans, and no doubt he'll see them through—as he's creative,...
10) Be who you are
Be who you are!
Be proud of where you're from.
Be a different color. Speak your language.
Wear everything you need to be you.
Who better than Todd Parr to remind kids that their unique traits are what make them so special? With his...
Meet 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 . . . Or Pi, for short.
Pi's just like any other kid robot: They love to listen to music, play with their dog, and hang out with their friends. And when their teacher announces a field trip to Olde Silicon
When Martin moves to a new neighborhood, he wants nothing more than to make a good impression on his new teammates. After all, Martin loves baseball more than anything, and all he wants is to prove he's worth his spot on the...
Hector loves his home. It was his favorite place to be.
At home, there was much to do.
Hector loved his home so much that he didn't often go out.
Home was cozy and snuggly and safe.
Hector loves his home so much that he doesn't often go out, and it starts to affect his friendships. Soon Hector realizes that his worries are keeping him from enjoying himself, so he needs to learn to be brave and try new things.
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