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Meet the unbeatable hero of a fresh new early chapter book series—Wednesday Wilson!
The most important thing to know about Wednesday Wilson is that she's an entrepreneur. Well, she almost is. She and her best friend, Charlie, are hard at work thinking up business ideas to make it big. Only now there's been an incident with the Emmas (whose last initials happen to spell M.E.A.N.) involving a bearded dragon named Morten and a piece of kale...
...To make a baby you need one egg, one sperm, and one womb. But every family starts in its own special way. This book answers the "Where did I come from?" question no matter who the reader is and how their life began. From all different kinds of conception through pregnancy to the birth itself, this candid...
3) My two moms
From the creator of Jabari Jumps and Jabari Tries, the tale of a stalling child with a lively imagination—and a passion for animal facts—makes for the best kind of bedtime story.
Mama and Mommy would like Sweet Pea to settle into bed, but it's not quite time. Even though the bed is fluffy, it's not as snuggly as curling up like a pig in the mud, or as spacious as sleeping in the wide ocean like a blue
It's cleaning day, but the family cat will do anything to avoid getting a bath. So instead of mopping the floor or feeding the fish, the...
6) My two dads
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