Sustainable Gardening

  • Date: Saturday May 25, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Branch: Bethany Library

Sustainable Gardening class is designed to offer Indigenous ecological knowledge and resources on sustainable gardening practices. Our goal is to empower individuals, regardless of limited space, to create stunning and flourishing gardens. We are dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of sustainable gardening in a manner that is accessible and practical, utilizing everyday kitchen ingredients. Our comprehensive methods will cover the entire gardening process, from seed to table and table to soil, including innovative techniques for food waste diversion.

Native Farming Solutions is a collective of passionate educators and experienced gardeners who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge with the community. Our lead instructor & Executive Director, Travis Andrews, has extensive experience working with one of the premier community gardens in the metro area, where he provides fresh produce and educational classes to schools and communities. His passion for sustainable food systems has earned him a national community food systems fellowship and has motivated him to create innovative solutions for urban communities.