From the Book - Third edition.
Meet the bird and the bee: Do you know what I read?
Curious? Embarrassed? Confused? : So how do babies really begin?
Egg + sperm = baby: Reproduction
Same and different: our bodies
Growing up: Babies, kids, teenagers, grownups
What's inside? What's outside? : Female body parts, male body parts
The amazing egg trip: What do eggs do?
The amazing sperm trip: What do sperm do?
What's sex?: Loving, making love, making a baby
What's love?: Lots of kinds of love
The big race: Sperm and egg meet
A warm and cozy womb: Pregnancy
Fresh food! Fresh air! : Growing and staying healthy
Stretch! Punch! Kick! Hiccup! Burp! : The growing fetus
Twins and more! : Twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets
Come out, come out, wherever you are! : Birth
What makes you- you!: Chromosomes and genes- and other things, too!
Becoming a family: By birth- by adoption
Keeping safe : "Okay touches"- "Not okay touches"
Talking about it : HPV, HIV and AIDS
Gurgles and drools : Feelings about babies, fun with babies
Let's celebrate! : Happy birth day! Happy adoption day!
It's so amazing! : Still talking!