Bob Kolar
"An engaging and humorous tale of two friends whose personality differences lead to growth as well as some fun adventures." —School Library Journal
Frank likes peace and quiet. He likes his tent, his pencil, and writing in his secret notebook. Bean likes noise. He likes his bus, his trumpet, and making music. Loud music. But Bean is missing something: he does not have words. What will happen if Frank shares his words
A silly pirate skeleton seeks to put its bones back together in this rhyming romp beneath the waves.
Cast a spyglass 'round here
while breakers curl and pound here.
There's treasure to be found here —
I feel it in my bones!
A stormy night at sea has uncovered some long-buried secrets and surprises. Is that the mast of a shipwreck? A faded pirate hat? And what's that hiding in the sand?
"Kolar has nailed facial expressions for his main characters, and the sly humor in the illustrations will tickle the funny bones of those savvy enough to spy it. . . . Load up on zip and zing: Oatmeal mornings will never be the same again."—Kirkus Reviews
Frank likes peace and quiet. He likes his tea, his book, and his yoga mat. He is just settling in to enjoy them, when . . . honk! honk! honk! Here comes Bean with
In this wordless story, a little boy finds a book that he loves at the library. It’s a match made in kid lit heaven. But not for the book. Sometimes the little boy’s excitement gets the better of him and the book suffers from possibly too much love: bent pages, tears, hugs, tossing, and shaking.
The poor book requires first aid from his friends. Every time the boy comes to the library,...