Tom Brannon
The Cat in the Hat goes on a hairy adventure in this leveled reader for independent readers all about—what else?—hair! It's Crazy Hair Day at Sally and Nick's school, and the kids can't pick a style to wear. Curly or straight? Long or short? It's too hard to choose—until the Cat in the Hat arrives with his Wig-o-lator—a machine that allows the kids to "try on" the hairstyles of a yak, a fur seal, and a porcupine, with comical
...13) Elmo's friends!
Fans of the hit PBS Kids' holiday special The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas! can relive the fun over and over with this Step 3 adaptation of the complete episode, written for children who are ready to read independently. From the Cat's Christmas Eve Party (with animal guests from all over the world), through his mishaps while attempting to return a young reindeer home in time to pull Santa's sled, readers will be introduced
...16) The Tree Doctor
A trip underground in the Thinga-ma-jigger is undertaken, and sure enough, the maple tree needs water (which Things One and Two procure in ridiculous overabundance) and sun (which the Cat suppliments with a Brighta-ma-lighter)....